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Text File  |  1996-04-01  |  12KB  |  174 lines

  1.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  2.  |     Company : *name                                  Date: *date           |
  3.  |     Address : *addrone                                                     |
  4.  |             : *city                *state              *zip                |
  5.  |             : *country                                                     |
  6.  |    Inc file : *incfl                                Units: *unit           |
  7.  | Lib/Material: *mnum *matdesc                    Program #: *pnum           |
  8.  |____________________________________________________________________________|
  10. begin mill
  11. Travel list
  12.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  13.  | Op# | Min X  | Min Y  | Min Z  | Max X  | Max Y  | Max Z  | Length| Time   |
  14.  |_____|________|________|________|________|________|________|_______|________|
  15.  | *op | *mnx   | *mny   | *mnz   | *mxx   | *mxy   | *mxz   | *plen |*ptime  |
  16.  |_____|________|________|________|________|________|________|_______|________|
  17.  | Tot | *tmnx  | *tmny  | *tmnz  | *tmxx  | *tmxy  | *tmxz  | *tplen|*tptime |
  18.  |_____|________|________|________|________|________|________|_______|________|
  20. Mill Operations list
  21.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  22.  | Op# |CView|Diam. |Type|T/C|T # |Feed |Speed| SFM |Chip L|Coolant|D Comp|Lib|
  23.  |_____|_____|______|____|___|____|_____|_____|_____|______|_______|______|___|
  24.  | *op |*view|*tdiam|*typ|*tc|*tnm|*fdrt|*spd |*sfm |*chpl | *cool |*ccomp|*lb|
  25.  |_____|_____|______|____|___|____|_____|_____|_____|______|_______|______|___|
  27. Mill Tool list
  28.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  29.  |No |Diam. |C Rad |Type|Mat.|Flutes|T # |D # |L # |     Comments             |
  30.  |___|______|______|____|____|______|____|____|____|__________________________|
  31.  |*op|*tdiam|*tcrad|*typ|*tmt|*tflut|*tnm|*tdm|*tlm|*comment                  |
  32.  |___|______|______|____|____|______|____|____|____|__________________________|
  34. Mill Comments
  35.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  36.  |No |T # |                       Operation comments                          |
  37.  |___|____|___________________________________________________________________|
  38.  |*op|*tnm|*opcomment                                                         |
  39.  |___|____|___________________________________________________________________|
  40. end mill
  42. begin lathe
  43. Travel list
  44.   ________________________________________________________________________ 
  45.  |  Op#  |  Min Z   |  Min X   |  Max Z   |  Max X   |  Length |  Time    |
  46.  |_______|__________|__________|__________|__________|_________|__________|
  47.  |  *op  |  *mnx    |  *mny    |  *mxx    |  *mxy    |  *plen  | *ptime   |
  48.  |_______|__________|__________|__________|__________|_________|__________|
  49.  |  Tot  |  *tmnx   |  *tmny   |  *tmxx   |  *tmxy   |  *tplen | *tptime  |
  50.  |_______|__________|__________|__________|__________|_________|__________|
  52. Lathe Operations list
  53.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  54.  |Op# |CView|IC Dia|   Type   |T/C|T # |Feed | Speed  |Chip L|Cool |N Comp|Lib|
  55.  |____|_____|______|__________|___|____|_____|________|______|_____|______|___|
  56.  |*op |*view|*ICD  |*typ      |*tc|*tnm|*fdrt|*spd    |*chpl |*cool|*ccomp|*lb|
  57.  |____|_____|______|__________|___|____|_____|________|______|_____|______|___|
  59. Lathe Tool list
  60.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  61.  |No |IC Dia|N Rad |   Type   |Mat.|Side|Tur.|T # |D # |     Comments         |
  62.  |___|______|______|__________|____|____|____|____|____|______________________|
  63.  |*op|*ICD  |*tcrad|*typ      |*tmt|*nsd|*tur|*tnm|*tdm|*comment              |
  64.  |___|______|______|__________|____|____|____|____|____|______________________|
  66. Lathe Comments
  67.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  68.  |No |T # |                       Operation comments                          |
  69.  |___|____|___________________________________________________________________|
  70.  |*op|*tnm|*opcomment                                                         |
  71.  |___|____|___________________________________________________________________|
  72. end lathe
  74. # _________________________ Incsetup general description _____________________ 
  75. #| The above tables are used to generate reports directly from an inc file.   |
  76. #| INCSETUP uses the above template to format its reports. Report variable    |
  77. #| names begin with * and are substituted by their appropriate values.        |
  78. #|                                                                            |
  79. #| Report variables include two types:                                        |
  80. #|                                                                            |
  81. #|    Global: Variables which are typically used once for the entire report.  |
  82. #|            Examples include total cycle time and current date.             |
  83. #|                                                                            |
  84. #| Operation: Variables which are applicable for each machining operation.    |
  85. #|            Examples include current operation number and tool diameter.    |
  86. #|                                                                            |
  87. #| The global and operation report variables should not be mixed on the same  |
  88. #| report template line. INCSETUP determines if the line must be printed      |
  89. #| repeatedly for each operation or it should be printed just once.           |
  90. #|____________________________________________________________________________|
  91. #
  92. # _________________________ Global variable listing __________________________ 
  93. #| Variable   Description                                                     |
  94. #| *addrone   Address Line One                                                |
  95. #| *addrtwo   Address Line Two                                                |
  96. #| *city      City                                                            |
  97. #| *country   Country                                                         |
  98. #| *date      Current date, includes time                                     |
  99. #| *incfl     Name of the current inc file                                    |
  100. #| *name      Company Name                                                    |
  101. #| *state     State                                                           |
  102. #| *time      Current time, same result as *date above                        |
  103. #| *tmnx      Minimum X coordinate for the entire file                        |
  104. #| *tmny      Minimum Y coordinate for the entire file                        |
  105. #| *tmnz      Minimum Z coordinate for the entire file                        |
  106. #| *tmxx      Maximum X coordinate for the entire file                        |
  107. #| *tmxy      Maximum Y coordinate for the entire file                        |
  108. #| *tmxz      Maximum Z coordinate for the entire file                        |
  109. #| *tplen     Total length travelled                                          |
  110. #| *tptime    Total time                                                      |
  111. #| *zip       Zip Code                                                        |
  112. #|____________________________________________________________________________|
  113. #
  114. # _________________________ Operation variable listing _______________________ 
  115. #|  Variable    Description                                                   |
  116. #|  *ccomp      Cutter Compensation 'Y or N                                   |
  117. #|  *chpl       Calculated chip load                                          |
  118. #|  *comment    Comments from the tool library if tool is current             |
  119. #|  *cool       Coolant 'OFF, FLOOD, MIST                                     |
  120. #|  *fdrt       Feed rate 'last feed rate in the current operation            |
  121. #|  *lb         Reference number of the tool in the library                   |
  122. #|  *mnx        Minimum X value                                               |
  123. #|  *mny        Minimum Y value                                               |
  124. #|  *mnz        Minimum Z value                                               |
  125. #|  *mxx        Maximum X value                                               |
  126. #|  *mxy        Maximum Y value                                               |
  127. #|  *mxz        Maximum Z value                                               |
  128. #|  *plen       Length travelled by the tool                                  |
  129. #|  *ptime      Time to complete the current operation                        |
  130. #|  *op         Operation number                                              |
  131. #|  *opcomment  Operation comments                                            |
  132. #|  *spd        Spindle speed                                                 |
  133. #|  *sfm        Cutting speed                                                 |
  134. #|  *tc         Tip or center                                                 |
  135. #|  *tchp       Chip load from tool library if tool library is current        |
  136. #|  *tcrad      Tool corner radius                                            |
  137. #|  *tdiam      Tool diameter                                                 |
  138. #|  *tdm        Diameter offset number                                        |
  139. #|  *tflut      Number of flutes if tool library is current                   |
  140. #|  *tlm        Tool length offset number                                     |
  141. #|  *tmt        Tool material HSS, Carbide if tool library is current         |
  142. #|  *tnm        Tool number                                                   |
  143. #|  *tur        Turret number                                                 |
  144. #|  *typ        Type of tool 'BallEM, EndM, BULL, Drill                       |
  145. #|____________________________________________________________________________|
  146. #
  147. # ____________________________________________________________________________ 
  148. #| NOTE: Lines starting with # are comments.  Do not use tabs in this file.   |
  149. #|                                                                            |
  150. #| NOTE: If the last variable on the line seems truncated add spaces after    |
  151. #|       the variable name.  Generally, the output line is the same length    |
  152. #|       as the input line.                                                   |
  153. #|                                                                            |
  154. #| NOTE: The following variables are available but not used above             |
  155. #|             *tchp  _ Chip load from tool library                           |
  156. #|                                                                            |
  157. #| NOTE: The SFM is divided by 12 to convert to feet per minute or divided    |
  158. #|       by 1000 to convert to meters per minute depending on the units being |
  159. #|       used.  The remaining values are in terms of the units of the inc     |
  160. #|       file data.                                                           |
  161. #|                                                                            |
  162. #| NOTE: The actual tool maximum and minimum coordinate values need to be     |
  163. #|       corrected by the tool radius if tool center programming is used.     |
  164. #|                                                                            |
  165. #| NOTE: The actual path length or tool travel may be different, based on     |
  166. #|       diameter offsets and tool length offsets.                            |
  167. #|                                                                            |
  168. #| NOTE: The tool time is calculated assuming no ramp delay in changing feed  |
  169. #|       rates between moves.  Also tool change time will add to the total    |
  170. #|       machining time.  The times for the drilling cycles are base on       |
  171. #|       certain assumptions about the cycle and may vary from machine to     |
  172. #|       machine.                                                             |
  173. #|____________________________________________________________________________|